Call for a United Front – Defend Palestine! Break the American Connection!

On the 8th of March 2024, the Spartacist League of Australia published the following call for a united front in Australia:

Join us to mobilise a united front under the following demands:

  • Defend Palestine!
  • Break the American Connection!

We encourage all who agree to join us under this banner at upcoming protests, with full independence to argue for their strategy to defend Palestine and break the U.S.-Australia alliance. Please contact us if you would like to fight for these demands to advance the Palestinian movement. has no hesitation in endorsing this call and encouraging others to attend the Palestine protests in Australia under the banner of this united front. Whilst we have argued that there is already a strong anti-imperialist character to the ongoing Palestine protests there is a political imperative to the political understanding that Australia’s support for the war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist State fundamentally arise from the Australian governments full throated support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza is the commitment of the entire Australia’s ruling class to the US Alliance.

We encourage all who agree to join us under this banner at upcoming protests, with full independence to argue for their strategy to defend Palestine and break the U.S.-Australia alliance. Please contact us if you would like to fight for these demands to advance the Palestinian movement.” has no hesitation in endorsing this call and encouraging others to attend the Palestine protests in Australia under the banner of this united front. Whilst we have argued that there is already a strong anti-imperialist character to the ongoing Palestine protests there is a political imperative to the political understanding that Australia’s support for the war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist State fundamentally arise from the Australian governments full throated support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza is the commitment of the entire Australia’s ruling class to the US Alliance.

This is why five months of protests and direct actions have so far failed to shift the Albanese’s government’s position. The orientation of protests needs to be based on this fundamental understanding that a full frontal political assault by the working class is required on the Australia/US Alliance as opposed to liberal idea that protests can pressure the government into a more “moral position” on the ever mounting slaughter in Gaza. A strong and vibrant explicit block at protests organised around the two demands of this united front would be an important intervention in building this consciousness amongst attendees of the protests.

Likewise such organising will help the build the anti-imperialist consciousness amongst workers trying to organise in their workplaces and unions to build a movement for workers to directly intervene to trade, particularly the arms trade with Israel. The union bureaucrats are tied by a thousand threads to the ALP and therefore are subordinated to the US Alliance and war machine.

The US Alliance not only ties the Australian ruling class to support the ongoing genocide in Gaza but also to the drive to war against China and supporting the NATO bloodbath in Ukraine. Workers and the masses in Australia must understand this fact if a movement can be built to not only shut down our governments support for Israel’s genocide and ongoing occupation of Palestine but to stop the drive to World War Three which the current bloodshed in West Asia is connected to.

For other groups and individuals wishing to find out how to participate or support this United Front call, contact or the Spartacist League of Australia

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